Skin Energy Activated Instrument by the Germany the latest trans dermal
technology developed by using micro-electrical pulse, the carrier radio
frequency, bipolar radio frequency, ultra-low temperature micro-four
functions of eye surgery, and by mechanical therapy, pressure therapy,
hyperthermia, magnetic four physical therapy after a comprehensive eye
relief and repair. Waking the eye cells completely, recombinant fiber
eye disorders, effective export pigmentation, dry skin of the eye to
aging, a variety of bags under the eyes, swelling and dark circles,
clouds bloodshot eye completely repaired, but also your charming face
and eyes.
Principle of ultrasonic wave
diathermy to large joints such as shoulder and hip.The ultrasound of
special frequency is, to the spot that losesweight hard to reduce daily
is the target, bring breathtakingeffect.Use ultrasonic probe,** face,
can dissolve adipose cell.Ultrasonic wave generated by electrical
energy: vibrates at highfrequencies Transmit ultrasonic wave: to
transmit with a continuous or pulsed wave form, generating intense
heatConversion to heat: comfortable heat or no sensation.To prevent fire
damage, the probe will be moved constantly;
low radio frequency with 28.000 vibration times per second,the induced
voltage of emulsified sebum and secretions in porescan be induced by:
Elastic Wave spraying light mist into pores andremoving the vibration
function of sebum and secretions; The thermally induced voltage is
induced by the reduction method,and the nutrient is permeatedPrinciple
of electrolysis Galvanic,an ltalian scientist, discovered that direct
current lasts in the bodyand prescribed Galvanic current: it spreads all
tissues of the body,activates tissues, and responds in chemical and
physical waysSame pole repel, different pole attract: Penetrates the
effectiveingredient to the skin, removes the dirt from the skin.
into the skin, improve the absorption rate of hard skin, promote blood
andlymph circulation, promote skin repair, promote the excretion of
aging substances inthe skin and human body, remove sebum and cutin in
the hair follicle, prevent pigmentation and whiten the skin.
remover, facial cleanser, exfoliator and blackhead: Professional
equipmentand blackhead extract are used to thoroughly clean the
face.SKINLEX (South Koreaimported special instrument, ultrasonic chamfer
to 28000 vibrations per second) VCwhitening import: through the
instrument of plus or minus the principle of smallcurrent, black skin
effect of integrated management of instrument, let these largemolecules
into small molecules of VC solution to infiltrate the pores are 1
cortex(normal vitamin are large molecules into less than the skin of
true cortex), through ourinstrument can reach deep whitening and
hydrating and * * the generation of collagenin the skin.VC introduction
can whiten and fade yellowish brown spots, brighten skintone and improve
pigmentation.SONO moisturizing & Hydrating: SKINLEX, a
specialinstrument imported from Korea, is made by the manufacturer of
black skin integratedmanagement instrument. It imports ultrasonic
frequency into the skin layer 1 alongthe direction of pores to achieve
long-term effective moisturizing and moisturizing,making your skin look
smoother, tender and shiny.Facial mask: Four different facialmasks are
provided for different skin types: collagen, vitamins, green tea
therapy: Use a hot spray or wet cotton wipe or spray to finish off the
faceand exfoliate with a microcarving handle.Ultrasonic therapy: apply
the condensingcream to the face and then apply the ultrasonic wave to
the face.lonosmosis therapy.often used essence or vitamin C powder,
vitamin essence, collagen essence applied tothe face after use.Toning
treatment apply elastic essence or collagen essence to faceand use in
handle after wet cotton swab.